paste2sms πŸ“² Sends the content of your clipboard as a SMS.ΒΆ

paste2sms is a small tool which send the content of your clipboard as a SMS: do you want to share that cool link you just found (on your computer) to your friend? Copy it, and run paste2sms to send it as a SMS.

A list of frequently asked questions is available there.



Example 1ΒΆ

I mainly use my computer to browse; my wife mainly uses her cell phone to browse. When I wanted to share an URL with her, I could:

  • send her an email (too cumbersome for this task);

  • copy the URL in a file, transfer it to my phone by Bluetooth, open it from my phone, copy the link and paste it in a SMS (even more cumbersome).

With paste2sms, I simply copy the link, run paste2sms (which send the content of the clipboard as an SMS to my phone), and transfer this SMS.

Example 2ΒΆ

I suck at typing on a phone. Most of the time, when I want to send a SMS, I write it on my computer (with a real keyboard) using paste2sms, and, on my phone, I then forward it to its actual recipient.

Configuration fileΒΆ

A paste2sms.conf (or toto2titi.conf) configuration file must exists on your computer. An example is:

provider = freemobile
editor = gedit --wait --standalone {}

user = 12345678
password = s3cr37
  • Section general:

    • editor: Command line to be executed to edit the content of the SMS before sending it (where {} is replaced by a temporary file name). Can be ommited: in this case, a very simple text editor is used instead.

    • provider: Provider used to send the SMS. See Cell phone providers.

  • Section provider:FOO:

    This section contains the options of cell phone provider FOO. Each provider has its own set of options. See Cell phone providers.

The list of available cell phone providers is available here: Cell phone providers.


The paste2sms binary does not take any interesting arguments.